Do I need a Title?
Wake up or sleep a minute more? Break my fast or skip it? Go straight or take left? Leave now or stay longer? Act now or postpone? Continue or change course? Take it or reject? Stop here or run more? Say it out or just shut up? Is that right or its' worse? Will I have to answer them all over and over again or it's going to end somewhere?
Why the place around me, so vibrant few days before, has altogether turned
gray? Or is it only me that's desiccated? Why does this vicious cycle of
pleasure and pain haunt me? I am confused; What makes me confounded? I don't
know. Something dictates misery and I yield to it. Am I taking it on myself?
Why should I? All this is draining me.. There are hundred things to be
sorted out, thousand decisions have to be made. Time is seeping out of the
glass, until it will be too late. Will I recover? Recover soon enough? I am
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