Thursday, May 20, 2004


   What makes Man to settle down for something less than what he is capable of? What stops him from delivering his best? What is it that makes him accept a lower standard of life, a meaner code of morality? How is it that he is aware of his power and at the same time act indolent? What justice does he meets out to himself by doing so? How many Men sincerely strive for their Happiness? Happiness - Is it renouncing one's ability, acting ignorant of one's responsibilty and surrendering oneself to the pleasure dictated by his senses of touch, taste, smell and sound? What is served to his unique sense of Mind - his thought process and intelligence? Aren't they his most powerful and defining capacities? Isn't it true that one must set in pursuit of this power and not satiate himself until the attainment?

I need answers...


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