Friday, May 14, 2004

Of Resolution and Memory

An year long resolve for morning walks and exercises is slowly showing up. After many start-and-abandon trials, and finally a week of 'Later da' and 'let's start tomorrow' s, Sam and I set out today. Started with a walk, a few dumbbell curls and finished with skipping. But being the sort of lazybone that I am, I really wonder if this will be kept on for a few more days, let alone months. He he!

Have I told you about Nilavanism - that I display at times, much to my own embarrassment? This was one: The other day in the library, I was looking around the shelves, unable settle on a title. The librarian suggested that I could read Code to Zero by Ken Follett. Found the novel interesting in the start, but the story line seemed to be predictable. Twenty pages on and predictability turned to a sort of de javu. It took 40 more pages before I realised that I should have already read it before. Perplexed, I turned to the issue page and found that the book has been issued for the second time to the a/c no. at the bottom (that's mine), after a gap of 4 months. Cursed my memory and continued to finish the novel anyway. I still couldn't fathom such a breach of memory!

Won't it be a good idea to jot down the books that I read, to supplement my poor memory? Well, I do it right away..

Ayn Rand:
Fountain Head (First novel I started with),We the living, Atlas Shrugged

Jeffrey Archer:
Kane and Abel, The Fourth Estate,Eleventh Commandment,
Shall We Tell the President,Matter of Honor

Isaac Asimov:
Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation, Foundation,
Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation, Foundation's Edge,
I - Robot, Naked Sun

Michael Crichton:
Lost World, Jurassic Park, Disclosure, Eaters of the Dead,
Congo, Airframe, Prey, Time Line,Andromeda Strain

P.G. Wodehouse
The Inimitable Jeeves, Thank you, Jeeves
Jeeves in the offing, The Code of the Woosters

Code to zero (Ken Follett)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)

And a few more that I have forgotten.. :-P


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