Friday, July 16, 2004

Simple isn't bare..

We came into acquaintance six years before. It was during the trip to Lucknow for participating in a science exhibition. And that acquaintance grew into a good friendship during those ten days we spent there. There were postal contact between us for until a year or so, then it died down. Two years later, I got a call from him. He was shifting his house from Chennai and had dialed to ensure that my number hadn't changed. The way the conversation went on between us that day - it really puzzled me. We talked to each as if we had just met the evening before. It did not strike me as a surprise event, springing out of blue, but it was a casual talk unburdened by any emotional display. I did not know why it was that way, until he spoke them in words: Though it was months since we came in contact, we have been remembering each other every now and then. When Tarr, who actually attended the call and passed me over, inquired, I told it was him. Arvind recognized the name instantly and said, 'oh, great! How's he?'. Surprise, this was. My other good friends too knew about him well ! The friendship was quite - hmm.. if this is the word I assume to convey the thing that I mean - 'seamless', in spite of the large span of distance and time between us.

Now its three years on, after that call, and yesterday I got a mail from him, with his contact digits. It was my turn and I called him up yesterday night as soon as I reached home. He still sounds the same after years. We had a good talk for sometime. He still remembers the jokes I shared with him and I too could recollect the petty talks we used to have during the days in Lucknow. I would soon be meeting him before he leaves to Hyderabad to embark on his career. We will have half-a-decade of stories to catch up with. I am very much looking forward to the visit to his home.

Hey Sajith, I'll make it by next weekend!

I keep wondering if all those commitments and expectations, which are always considered indispensable part of any relationship, leave alone friends, truly matters. What matters is the trust, respect for the other self, and love. These, I hold as the mark of friendship, than the show of care and concern, just-for-formality calls and all the complexities that are taken to grow up with the affinity. Grass may not be as exquisite as roses, but they never prick your fingers to shed tears in red.. I like things to be as simple as the grass. I prefer to lie myself over the green lawn than on a bed of thorny roses. Best relationships are very simple, though it takes to walk over the muddy waters to realize what really counts in the end that gives the shine and maturity.


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