Sunday, July 03, 2005


I was waiting for my bus at vadapalani signal. A frail old lady comes to me and with choking voice and tear-swelled eyes says she hasn't eaten for two days. She wanted some money. I've heard people say that you must not encourage beggars or you cannot make a difference so why shell out coins for them and so on; but one cannot stand the eyes speaking of hunger. I take out some money and give her and resume chatting with my friend who was coming with me. I casually looked around after sometime and found this old lady in a nearby shop with a coke bottle in her hand. A coke bottle?? I thought she would get a loaf of bread or some bananas with the money I gave her to satiate herself and here she drinks a coke? Coke is still a costly option for someone who struggles for survival... For a fleeting moment I had this thought of disappointment that I was exploited by her pitiful state; maybe she lied to me... Anyway it doesn't matter. Maybe she was hungry... Maybe she was very thirsty... I gave her money and should I expect that she spends it judiciously? Funny! She gulps down the drink, wipes her mouth with her sari and moves on to the crowd waiting for the bus...


At 10/04/2005 04:42:00 AM, Blogger Nil said...

You should be proud of India...beggars with coke bottle...our standards are improving day by day..who said India is still a developing country? hahahahaha ...I was in fits of laughter after readin this..could imagine the expression on ur face...well written. You should have gone upto that lady n cautioned her against drinks like coke,pepsi etc etc...
Sujatha | 07.04.05 - 6:09 pm | #
ha ha,
Nil, why not try becoming an author of real short-stories??
Arvind | 07.06.05 - 7:18 pm | #
Gravatar My comments get rejected by haloscan and I am retyping them..

Suja and Tarr: I had written this post on a serious note and you people get into fits of laughter? Bad.. And Arvind I shall consider your suggestion, but they will turn out to be full time humour stories!!
Nilavan | Homepage | 07.07.05 - 5:48 pm | #
Gravatar And it'll be better if all of you can use the Blooger comments instead.. That'll stay along till the blog last.. Haloscan is a third party anyway..
Nilavan | Homepage | 07.07.05 - 5:49 pm | #
talk of nil writing humor...hahahaha
now that's a joke which will ensure you burst out in peals of laughter
hehe..nil, can imagine what a fuse out it wud've been 4 u after seeing a coke!!
thanda matlab coca-cola!!!
di | 07.11.05 - 7:57 pm | #


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